Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Break - Week 3

Skyler wasn't feeling well on Monday with a headache/migraine so we didn't get much fun done that day.  It was also a crappy weather week with lots of cold, wind and rain, however, we still tried to fit some stuff in.

Skyler had softball games 4 nights this week, 1 in New Windsor, 1 in Orion and 2 in Taylor Ridge, all of which they won.  Skyler's team now has 7 wins and 0 losses and Skyler pitched in every game but 1;
Went to the local farmer's market for fresh produce that we don't grow in our own garden;
Skyler rode her bide while I ran;
Practiced pitching with Skyler daily;
Helped Paul haul and spread mulch at a side-job for an entire day;
Went to visit Grandma and Grandpa;
Finally finished our Holocaust book, "Alicia";
Began reading "the Zookeepers Wife";
Got out the sponges, hoses and buckets and washed both trucks while breaking into a few water fights along the way;
Played basketball;
Skyler and I attended a dear family friend's visitation;
Went to the library to return and check out more books;
Went to supper with Paul's family;
Skyler and I went to the timber early in the week to check on the black-raspberries, but they still needed a bit more time to ripen -- they are ripe now so we will head back this week;
Helped Paul haul, load and stack 6 truckloads of firewood;
Went mulberry pickin' in the timber (wish I woulda had my camera for that as Skyler's face was almost completely bluish-purple);
Saturday night Skyler went to a birthday party sleepover w/a bunch of her friends (so Paul and I got a RARE date night and went to the movies for the first time in YEARS....literally!  We saw Bridesmaids -- super funny. {the last movie we remember seeing together at the theater was "The Patriot" back in 2000, so it had been a while});
Went to a garage sale;
Sprayed 2 more of our deer food plots;
Had a water balloon fight.

This week's weather is supposed to be much better so I'm lookin' forward to it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Week 2 - Summer Break and Happy Father's Day!

Skyler practicing shooting her bow

Here is a little tree frog we found in the yard this week

Here is "Fat Boy" the plane that accompanies the
Blue Angels -- Skyler took this picture

Some of the Blue Angels doing their thing.

Here is the first lightening bug caught during our "competition"
(Skyler won the competition, of course)
Every summer I start out gung-ho ready to detail our every move.  However, each week my notes seems to dwindle down to less and here are a few of our highlights from this past week, with a lot forgotten, I'm sure...and the dwindling of notes begins  :)  We didn't have as many days to fill this week as I had to work an extra day.  Our highlights of this week were the Quad City Airshow on Saturday and the fact that it was Father's Day on Sunday.  Since I am married to the best husband/dad on earth  :)  it is always a special day at our house.  Having given the weekend over to Paul for his choice of activities we found ourselves working in the timbers for a good portion of Saturday and Sunday.  We are that much closer to having each and every stand in top shape for the upcoming deer hunting seasons.  We also had an awesome time fishing at a friend's lake on Sunday afternoon.  What follows is a list of some of the other highlights from this past week:

    Pictures from our day of fishing!
  • Dry run at Black Hawk College to find Skyler and her friend, Alex's, classes for College for Kids.
  • Meet friends at Subway for lunch
  • Take a hike out here in the country
  • Go to work with mom for a day
  • Play Basketball
  • Shoot bows
  • Go to Griswolds w/Papa and Karen
  • Go for a long bike ride
  • Attend the Quad City Airshow
  • Help mom and dad with deer stands
  • Practice pitching
  • Picnic at a lake
  • Have a friend over to hang out
  • Have a Lightening-Bug catching competition
  • Make an obstacle course in the yard
  • Fishing at a friend's lake
  • Continue reading our Holocaust book, "Alicia"
  • Weed in the strawberry garden and then gorge on the strawberries that are ripe
  • Hunt fields for arrowheads.

I enjoy putting to "paper" our daily highlights so that we can always have these memories if they ever slip our minds - it just so happens this way I can put some pictures along with the notes which is even better as far as I am concerned!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Break Begins at the Grissoms

Skyler warming up on the mound -- she now has 17 strike outs with only 7 innings on the mound!  On this day she and a couple other pitchers combined for a "No Hitter" and won the game -- they are now 3 and 0!!
Summer break is officially started!  This past week was Skyler's first week off.  I have a huge summer bucket list of all the fun (and some not so fun) things I want to accomplish with Skyler this summer.  My boss is kind enough to let me cut back on my days at work so that I get some valuable Mom and Daughter time with Skyler this summer.  During this past week and weekend we already started on that bucket list and also covered some items that weren't on the list:

Played tennis with friends at the tennis courts;
Got signed up for the summer reading program at the library;
Sky and I began reading another holocaust survivor story ("Alicia");
Had a picnic at the park with friends;
Went for bike rides;
Went to the spray grounds with friends;
Camped out in a tent in the back yard;
Roasted hot dogs over the campfire;
Helped Paul on a roof job;

Wash Shadow with the hose;
Spent the day at a friends house and played on a slip-n-slide;
Sprayed our deer food plots in the timber for better growth;
Got ice cream cones at the ice cream shop;
Cleared brush off a lane in the timber;
Photograph insects and wildlife;
Pitched during two softball games (and won); and
Rearranged and cleaned the basement -- I know, this one was not the most fun.
A picture of Paul and I after we finished spraying this food plot.

Some dragonflies, an Eastern Kingbird and bumblebee on clover I captured photos of in the timber.

A campfire picture from the night we camped out...
I also ran in a 5K -- the Race for the Cure in Moline -- on Saturday along with my friends Megan Klauer and my bloggin' friend and cancer survivor, Sherry, and their family and my friend Bonnie Moore.  What a great time we had for a great cause!  I so love havin' friends who enjoy running as much as I do!
Whew!  Got a lot done this week but still have a long list to complete before summer is over.  Can't wait for this coming week!
This is the view of the moon out of the top of our tent the night Skyler and I camped

Monday, June 6, 2011

Our chicks turned two weeks old!

Can't believe it has already been over two weeks since these cute little guys/gals hatched.  These little critters crack us up!  Since chicks will peck at anything that moves their poor mom has had her eyeball pecked almost constantly.  She must have the patience of Job.  They love hopping on mom's back for a piggy-back ride when she is out walking around.  They have integrated well with the rest of the flock and love doing everything their mom does!  They have probably already doubled in size since they hatched.  We had another great weekend cutting dragging and burning tons of brush from our timbers around our yard, going for a couple of runs, visiting my mom, dad, brother and his family, mowing our in-town yards, planting and raking in one of our deer food plots, playing basketball, getting a new bottom feeder fish for Skyler's fish tank, running through the sprinkler with Skyler and shooting our bows.  So excited because today is the start of Skyler's official summer break!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Happy Belated Memorial Day Weekend!

Remembering those who have gone before...

Hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day Weekend -- I know we did!  Although the weather was not very cooperative over here in our neck of the woods -- we tried to get done what we could in between raindrops. Like a lot of people we made our way to a cemetery and paid our respects for those who have gone before us.  We also worked in the timber, worked in the yard, worked in the gardens, got in a few hikes, walks, runs, a bike ride and practiced pitching w/Sky.  Because of the yucky weather we even watched a movie -- which RARELY happens at our house.  Monday was beautiful and was the perfect day for one of our family fishing outings.  We caught a TON of fish (on a pond that Paul designed) which are now in our fridge/freezer for later meals.
Skyler with one of her many Bluegill she caught.
We had planned on camping with our  friends the Klauers this weekend -- and although they are hardcore campers like us, setting up our tents in standing water "just to say we did" didn't appeal to any of us.  Instead, we still had a great time hanging out and eating a great meal that Megan cooked over the open fire for us -- thanks again!