Recycling -- Anyone can do it!! You don't need special tools or any extra money. All you need is a desire to better the earth. You can start out recycling very minimally and expand as your desire to do so dictates. Skyler came home one day from Kindergarten and asked if we could start recycling -- and the rest is history...we were hooked.
The average American family creates 100 POUNDS of garbage per WEEK!! Over 1 BILLION trees each year are used to make diapers!!
So, minimal effort people -- simply do the following: Grab a garbage bag that you decide is only for recycling. You can begin by only recycling cans and plastic items as these can be combined or maybe you want to start out recycling paper. Time and effort involved -- just about zero. Then, the next time you run to Milan or Aledo for groceries -- guess what? The recycling center is right there (Milan's bins are just about 100 yards north of HyVee). Again, time and effort involved -- essentially zero.
The expansion from there still requires little time or money invested. You can get plastic tubs to separate recycling cans and plastics in one container, papers and cardboard in another. That is what the Grissoms do. The only time I invest is ripping paper labels off of soup cans, throwing the cans in the dishwasher or rinsing them and placing the can in one container and the paper label in the other. Once you begin recycling, you will be AMAZED at the amount that can be recycled. We have cut our garbage down by at least half -- easily!!
Every day I walk directly from my mailbox to my recycling bins and throw most of my mail in the paper bin. Every milk jug, pop can, 2-litre pop bottle, plastic water bottles, cereal boxes, every box received in the mail, every clothes soap box or plastic container for liquid clothes soap -- the list goes on and on.
Are you burning your garbage instead? This seems better than sending everything to the landfill, however, burning garbage can release dioxins into the air. What are dioxins? Dioxin is a known human carcinogen and the most potent synthetic carcinogen ever tested in laboratory animals. A characterization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of cancer causing potential evaluated dioxin as over 10,000 times more potent than the next highest chemical (diethanol amine), half a million times more than arsenic and a million or more times greater than all others. So burning might not be the best alternative.
So will you join us? The next generation will thank you for it and it will make you feel great that you are helping the environment.
Tip #4 will be about making your own throw pillows from vintage fabrics...